Jumat, 11 Juli 2014


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Rounded Rectangle: Name : Dianika Puspita A.N
Class : 3 – C 
Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow.
1.      Passage 1
As laws and procedures regulating divorce have altered, the divorce rate has tended to increase by leaps and bounds; with each new piece of legislation making divorce more readily available, the rate has risen rapidly for a time before levelling off. Today there is one divorce in Britain for every three marriages. (In the USA the rate is one in two.) Many people have suggested that the higher divorce rates reflect an underlying increase in marital instability; the problem with this argument is that we have no way of knowing how many 'unstable' or 'unhappy' marriages existed before legislation made it possible to dissolve them in a public (and recordable) form. Some commentators have gone further, and argued that more permissive divorce laws in themselves cause marital breakdown. But we can certainly be sceptical of such a view, suggesting as it does that happily married couples can suddenly be persuaded to abandon their relationship, propelled by the attraction of a new divorce law. A more plausible explanation for rises in the divorce rate after the passage of a law is that unhappily married couples were for the first time given access to a legal solution to pre-existent marital problems; in other words, changes in divorce laws are less likely to cause martial breakdown than to provide new types of solution where breakdown has already occurred.
Bilton, T., K. Bonnett  and  P. Jones (1987)  Introductory Sociology, 2nd edition. London: Macmillan, p. 301.
a.       Is the passage mosltly fact or opinion ?
b.      What is the patern of this text?
c.       What is author purpose ?
d.      What is the author biased?
e.       What is the author tone ?
2.      Passage 2
Nicky Hart argues that the increasing divorce rate can be seen as a 'product of conflict between the changing economic system and its social and ideological superstructure (notably the family)'. In advance capitalist industrial societies, there is an increasing demand for cheap female wage labour. Wives are encouraged to take up paid employment not only because of the demand for their services, but also because the capitalist controlled media has raised 'material
aspirations' - the demand for goods that families desire. These material aspirations can only be satisfied by both spouses working as wage earners. However, conflict results from the contradiction between female wage labour and the normative expectations which surround married life. 'Working wives' are still expected to be primarily responsible for housework and raising children. In addition, they are still expected, to some degree, to play a subservient role to the male head of the household. These normative expectations contradict the wife's role as a
wage earner, since she is now sharing the economic burden with her husband. Conflict between the spouses can result from this contradiction, and conflict can lead to marital breakdown.
 Haralambos, M. (1995)  Sociology, Themes and Perspectives, 3rd edition. London: Bell  and  Hyman pp. 364-5.
a.       Is the passage mosltly fact or opinion ?
b.      What is the patern of this text?
c.       What is author purpose ?
d.      What is the author biased?
e.       What is the author tone ?

1.      Passage 1        
a.       Fact , becouse any result from research about As laws and procedures regulating divorce
b.      The patern of the passage is explanation
c.       Purpose of the passage to know how many the divorce rate has tended to increase by leaps and bounds; with each new piece of legislation making divorce more readily available, the rate has risen rapidly for a time before levelling off
d.      . But we can certainly be sceptical of such a view, suggesting as it does that happily married couples can suddenly be persuaded to abandon their relationship, propelled by the attraction of a new divorce law
e.       The tone of the text is seriossly
2.      Passage 2
a.       The passage is opinion frow writer
b.      The patern of the passage is argumentatif
c.       Purpose of the passage is that the increasing divorce rate can be seen as a 'product of conflict between the changing economic system and its social and ideological superstructure (notably the family)'. In advance capitalist industrial societies, there is an increasing demand for cheap female wage labour.
d.      they are still expected, to some degree, to play a subservient role to the male head of the household. These normative expectations contradict the wife's role as a
wage earner, since she is now sharing the economic burden with her husband. Conflict between the spouses can result from this contradiction, and conflict can lead to marital breakdown.
e.       The tone of the text is seriossly

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